Sunday, December 30, 2012

Change Your Life By February 15!

Well, well, well...It's December 31, 2012 and exactly the right time for us to start hatching bright ideas about how we are going to change anything and everything we don't like about ourselves or our lives. Of course, this is just the mountain we want to climb after six weeks of no-holds-barred eating, shopping, holiday partying and late night gatherings. Question: Is possible to go from cheesecake to carrots overnight? Seriously, can you really, truly go from couch potato to ab crunch queen in the same 24-hour period? Sure, but just how long will your willpower last before you fade back into where you find yourself right now? Ouch.That hurt and you haven't been (back) to the gym yet...

What's stopping you from really doing something different this year? Is it even possible to accomplish one goal? You know I'm going to say the magic word: YES!
I'm not breaking any new ground here, but I do want to share something that has been an incredible tool for me since August. In fact, if you decide to integrate this tool into your life, you can actually experience tremendous life change by February 15. Since I have your attention, I'm going to string this out a bit...

We know that the majority of people fail in keeping their New Year's resolutions...
Why? Most resolutions are too broad and lack specific milestones. Our best chance at success is creating a specific list of goals with short-term milestones. I know that I can summon large bursts of energy and effort directed at a set number of tasks for a short period of time with high success. This is why the following technique has replaced my need to create resolutions.

What's 6x6? How does it work?*
In the fall, I began using a technique called "6x6" and it was developed by Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of WillowCreek Church in Chicago.* This strategy is simple - I wrote down six goals that I want to accomplish in six weeks on a single notecard. Then, I tucked the notecard into my iPad so that I could look at the notecard periodically to stay on track.

Since I only had six weeks to accomplish my 6x6 list, a magical thing happened...I began to organize my time and energy around my identified objectives. Inconsequential tasks began to fade away and I was able to refrain from over-commiting myself to new projects because I had already identified what needed to get done in those short six weeks.

Barb's 6x6 personal goals
Here's my personal 6x6 for January 1-February 15 - but only six - any more and my chances of success will diminish. (I also have a 6x6 for my professional objectives.)

So, this is my 6x6:
1. Weekly emphasis on spiritual disciplines**
2. Write weekly blog - publish on Mondays
3. Submit first book proposal to publisher
4. Gym - four days a week
5. Schedule all doctors, dentists, haircuts, vet/grooming, car servicing, home maintance appointments for next six months
6. Date night each week - must schedule in advance

You COULD change your life by February 15! 
You'll notice that my 6x6 isn't sexy, but it has teeth. While there are no grandiose goals or large scale accomplishments, I'm going to be A LOT closer to something accomplishing fabulous by February 15 than I would be if I overshot and created large scale resolutions without specific milestones. The same can happen for you. By February 15, you COULD create some seriously amazing momentum in your life!

So, now it's your turn. Think about what you need to do in the next six weeks and write it down on a notecard - or put it in your phone. This 6x6 list just needs to be somewhere you can see it at least once a day. Keeping it in plain view maintains the tension you need to push forward.

Scriptural Inspiration
In the Old Testament, Ecclesiastes 3 discusses that there is a rhythm of life when we need to accomplish certain things at certain times. Therefore, I'm learning that while I have "big picture" dreams, the path toward those dreams isn't accomplished in leaps-n-bounds, but in faithful steps walked - sometimes even run - each day.

Happy New Year 2013!

*Here is the link to Bill Hybels' video clip explaining how he developed 6x6:
**Spiritual Disciplines is a faith-based term that describes spiritual practices (not religious rules) that cultivate my faith and relationship with Christ. I will be focusing on the spiritual disciplines of fasting and prayer.

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