Friday, June 7, 2013

Why did I eat the pie?

Let me fast-forward to the punch line of this post: Last Saturday, I ate an entire pecan pie.

Yes, it was REALLY good. No, I'm not proud of it. In fact, the only reason I'm sharing this with you is that I'm so embarrassed I have to tell someone. So, you've got a front row seat in show titled, "The Day Barb Ate the Entire Pie...and Why?" Here's a quick summary of the storyline:  I ate a bazillion calorie, oooey-gooey, buttery-crusted, super fatty, pecan-laden slice of pie. It happened and I can't take it back. (Okay, I could have reversed the process, but I did that a few times in college and realized that it wasn't for me...)

The question that lingers is how could I enjoy something so immensely, but feel guilty about enjoying it? I feel like I broke some unwritten commandment: thou shalt not eat an entire pecan pie. I'm embarrassed because I let it happen. When I opened the package, I originally planned have a small slice each day for the next four days - that was my plan! So, why did I eat the entire 4" pie all at once?

Have you eaten an entire pie? Neither had I. Therefore, I had to make it up as I went along. I didn't just sit at the table and eat the pie. Nooooo, this was a road-trip adventure. One-quarter of the pie was eaten immediately in the kitchen. Another pie quarter was scarfed down while walking up my steps. The third quarter was eaten a few hours later in my bedroom while reading a 500-page book about a guy dying of cancer, who had just began dating his long-time love. Sad book + Kleenex = PIE!

So, what happened to that final quarter of pie? I don't know. At some point, I looked down and the pie tin was empty. I don't remember what happened. I just ate it. And it was gone. To borrow a phrase from Jen Hatmaker, writer of my favorite blog post of the week: Just whatever, man.

Some of you are mortified right now. Barb, how could you? What's wrong with you? Why would you share something sooooo embarrassing?!  I'm coming clean to benefit me and you (because I love you!) We don't want to let anyone in on the secret moments that shame us - even though 99.5% of us have a story to tell. I might have eaten a pie, but who's eaten an entire bag of potato chips? Or entire package of Oreos? Here's one: who has planned to eat a bowl of ice cream, only to scrape the bottom of the carton with the spoon a few hours later? It happens to us all.

In the recovery community, there's an acronym that could explain my pecan pie scenario: HALT, which stands for hungry, angry, lonely and tired. Often, when I am experiencing circumstances that trigger one of these emotions, it increases the likelihood that I will make an unwise choice - like eating a pie. It's not the pie that's the issue, it's me. In the past three weeks, my life has been filled to the brim with good things. Lots of great moments. Non-stop activity. Frankly, I got worn out. Last Saturday, pie seemed like a good solution to the "T" for tired. Should I have taken a nap? Perhaps changed my schedule or gotten some rest instead of eating an entire pie? Yep. But, I didn't. I ate a whole pie instead.

This weekend, I'm giving a message titled, "What are you hungry for?" and addressing the deep hunger that we experience at different times in life. Clearly, I need this message as much as everyone else - which is super humbling since I'm the one up there giving the talk. So, join me this weekend as I share a few things that God has shown me this week about how we can manage the tension that the different kinds of hunger will bring into our lives. We'll talked about how to find the true satisfaction that only God can provide. Also, there's a crazy ridiculous video at the start of my message. Seriously, tune in just for that. service times: Saturday 5:15pm & 7pm, Sunday 9am, 10:45am and 12:30pm. Watch us live online at

1 comment:

  1. Yum yum...been there-done that...regret it? Maybe..would I do it again...For sure!!! lol!!! Yet you are right we live in a world that is full of contrasts, we eat a whole pie but somewhere a child is starving. We are not hungering for the same thing. The world we live in is changing so fast some of us would love it to slow down...but that's not going to happen. We have moved from YOLO to FOMO...the Fear Of Missing a few months time!!No one wants to be the last one to know in our hyper connected world. But doesn't it all come down to a hunger to belong, to be accepted, to feel loved...and no one does that better than Christ! Can't wait to hear your message!!! Prayers!!!
