Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Because I can...

The #1 question I get all of the time is why do I wear heels. "Barb, you are already crazy tall, so why do you insist on wearing heels?" Tall people never ask me that question. My husband never asks me that question, but he is taller than me.

Why do I wear heels? Because I can.

I have a philosophy: If I am already tall, I might as well be taller. There are a lot of cute shoes out there and frankly, I don't want to miss out. Besides, that extra three inches comes in handy at the grocery store when the lady next to me can't reach the panko bread crumbs on the top shelf.

When I slide into a pair of heels, I truly feel more confident. Some people go for a particular shirt or pants for an extra boost to his or self-esteem - I go for a spiky heel. Each clickity-clack of the heel reminds me that where I am going or what I am doing should leave an impression. Too often people tip toe through life, just trying to fly under the radar and get by or blend into the landscape around them.

In heels, I can't hide. And I don't want to. Life is short and then we die. We never know when our last step is going to be.

Life is short. Make every step count.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the one who can't reach the bread crumbs! Good to see you blogging again!
